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Why Your Realtor Needs to Be a Master Marketer

Anita Rich

Why Your Realtor Needs to Be a Master Marketer

A professional real estate agent wears a lot of hats on the job. A seasoned realtor will be a terrific location scout, have intimate knowledge of the area and its neighborhoods, and have professional contacts to help make the transaction go smoothly from start to finish. Along with those duties is one that you might not have considered, however. A realtor worthy of your consideration must be a whiz at marketing.

Marketing is key to getting your home sold

There’s a lot of work to be completed when selling a home. Along with getting the place cleaned and staged, a seller will need to work diligently to give the dwelling optimum curb appeal. But no matter how stellar a property you have listed, it’s all for naught if prospective buyers are unaware of its existence.

If you want to sell Sherman Oaks real estate, you’ll want to ensure it has been properly marketed. A realtor with a strong marketing background will know how to get your listing in front of as many sets of eyes as possible. More importantly, they’ll be able to use their experience to get the right clientele interested in seeing your home in person.

A master real estate marketer will know that homes sell faster if they have professional quality photos taken of the interior and exterior. Additionally, a realtor that is especially savvy will use videography to give online viewers a better feel of the property.

A Sherman Oaks realtor worth considering will have spent years building their professional contacts to give you top-quality referrals for these services. When you are looking for a realtor, you’ll definitely want to know more about their level of marketing experience and how they will put it to use when they list your home.

Your realtor’s marketing knowledge will help you locate your new home

Homebuyers will also benefit from a real estate agent’s marketing ability. A truly skilled realtor will not only know how to market a home they have listed for sale but also how to research the various properties available.

An agent’s market research ability will yield great search results when it comes to finding the home of your dreams. If you are looking at Sherman Oaks real estate, be sure that you have a realtor who knows the market and has the skills to effectively research what is available.

A true marketing professional will be on top of the latest marketing strategies

For decades, print advertising served as the key component to marketing homes for sale. But these days, the printed word is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Marketing a property for sale means knowing how to do so using traditional methods and media as well as staying on top of all the ways online marketing is utilized.

A professional realtor will have a strong online presence. This means much more than just a tailored website. While the National Association of Realtors (NAR) does point out that a website is important, it also reports that social media channels are a key part of a successful agent’s overall marketing strategy.

As the Millenial and Gen Z generations are growing into the homeownership phases of their lives, they have made it necessary for realtors to change their marketing strategies. Forbes reported in a 2020 article that the vast majority from each of these generations have a social media presence and use various forms of social media platforms to search for their next home.

Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram, and other platforms are great ways to showcase a seller’s listing to the house-hunting public. And as the younger generations mature and begin to make up the majority of the buyers, a true real estate professional will know exactly how to market your home to them.

With different generations using different forms of media to get information, a realtor will need to be intimately familiar with each medium and the demographics that utilize them. This means marketing on various social media platforms, using email lists effectively, and still being able to have a working knowledge of how older buyers use the more traditional forms of marketing. It’s a lot of work for an agent, for sure. But if you want your home sold quickly and for the highest price possible, you’ll certainly want to put your trust in an agent that has mastered all forms of marketing.

For an agent to be successful, they will need to market more than just their listings

Any seller will want a realtor to possess the necessary marketing skills to quickly move their property to a successful closing. But a professional agent will also work hard to market one other key ingredient; themselves.

Professional realtors will use their marketer hats to get their name into the world. Getting noticed by the public takes the perfect combination of strategy and time. But you will probably be able to tell which Sherman Oaks realtors have mastered marketing themselves and their businesses. After all, the agents you are first drawn to will most likely be from one form of advertising or another. What’s a better testament to an agent’s marketing skills than how you first became aware of them.

Consider a local professional when buying or selling a home

The decision on who you select to market your home isn’t one that should be taken lightly. When it comes to being an experienced real estate professional, Anita Rich has a proven track record for bringing the right tools to the job. The master marketing skills she has honed as a Sherman Oaks realtor will be put to great use whether you are buying or selling.

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