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Why We Use Cutting Edge Tools like Facebook Advertising to Sell Your Home

Anita Rich

Why We Use Cutting Edge Tools like Facebook Advertising to Sell Your Home

In today's modern world, it is no secret that just about everything is digitized or available in some digital process. Technology has surpassed the basics of telephones and computers to equate to massive systems of communication between anyone, anywhere. These systems and tools (namely social media) have opened up possibilities for success that stems from online interactions. This consistent success and reach are why we use cutting-edge tools like Facebook Advertising to sell your home.

Methods of home sales have remained fairly consistent throughout the majority of our modern existence. It is only in recent years that the Internet has become an integral tool in the real estate world, broadening the scope of property visibility beyond tools like the MLS. Not only will you find an area's best realtors quickly on a Google search, but you can also see the properties they are currently listing all without leaving the familiar interface of Facebook. For some, it might seem strange to advertise and prompt such large and important sales online, but when you consider our current world, it makes perfect sense.

Realtor friendly

In creating and perfecting its online ad system, Facebook has taken the time to integrate parts of its services that are inevitably realtor friendly. Specific tools and outfits are even specifically made to benefit real estate professionals. Generally speaking, a realtor is not going to be a professional in digital advertising. However, using the handy features in the Facebook ad suite allows realtors to utilize what they do know about the properties they are selling and the industry to craft ads that increase their reach and visibility and decrease property sale time.

Photo courtesy of Unsplash

Massive and international reach

The Internet has a massive reach. Sure, people still indulge in things like the newspaper and local ad papers. But, that audience is not nearly as fast as the audience that is consistently in tune with their social media. Using tools like Facebook ads for real estate allows realtors to take their listing visibility from locals to not only national interested homebuyers but international as well. In markets where potential homebuyers come from across the world, this invisibility is extremely important.

Around 79% of homebuyers use online resources to look for their property, with or without a realtor. Most of this crowd also uses social media for an estimated fourteen hours per week. Combining the two is an ingenious and surefire way to boost home sales. To top it all off, the seamless integration between Facebook and Instagram allows for ads to be cross-platform, broadening reach even further.


There is flexibility in utilizing this platform for advertising homes for sale. Variables in cost, add time, and target audience allows for ideal customization in the ad that is used to market your property. When working in a luxury market, the ability to ensure the target audience is as desired is an ideal feature to encourage and increase the amount of qualified interested parties that come across the property. Fine-tuning the cost of the ad helps with the overall reach the ad will have in combination with visibility. Compared to other property searching sites, these convenient and flexible add features are unheard of.

Additional features and capabilities, like having the ad clickable or linking back to a seller's profile, are also ideal for creating ad listings that perform as desired. With everything that has transpired globally in recent years, the ability to facilitate real estate sales online without having to conduct every step in person keeps the market moving regardless of what else may be going on. Considering that having a home is vital, it is ideal to do what is possible to keep these important processes efficient at every turn.

Capitalizing on social media for real estate sales is also generally beneficial for keeping the real estate market alive. With most people spending large amounts of time on social media, integrating advertisements into their casual scrolling allows for visibility without additional effort or surging. That targeted level of interaction creates a higher level of efficiency for listings since the ads will be targeted to relevant audiences.

In many ways, Facebook advertising has become supplemental for ads that would usually be seen on television, heard on the radio, or read in the newspaper. People of all age groups have shifted their constant consuming habits to be online, so that is where the advertising presence has shifted as well.

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Utilizing social media as a tool for real estate sales provides functionality that is even a step beyond just being handy for closing the sale. Utilizing creative advertising, posts, likes, and comments has been monumental and humanizing realtors to the homebuying population. Older methods like written advertisements were considerably straight to the point and simple, not allowing much room for realtors to showcase any personality, true skill or connect with their interested buyers.

Building and facilitating a community with people that are interested in purchasing Sherman Oaks homes for sale is a great way to encourage the sale process even faster. If a home that is currently being listed or advertised is not of interest to a person, but they like the realtor, they can follow the realtor's page as a way to keep up with them, so they're in the loop when I'm home they are interested in is posted. Having interested buyers already in existence and following the realtor's posts and updates takes real estate to a level that is in line with other major brands and fields, such as apparel and automotive.

That pre-existing clientele makes every home advertised on a realtor's page similar to a large clothing brand releasing a new collection. Said brand is already well-known, so when they release their collection, there will already be people waiting to buy from it. This is the same with home purchases, but with an even higher demand since every home that is listed for sale will be one of one, and whoever may have missed the chance to buy it will be waiting for the realtor to list another amazing property.

All of these cumulative benefits are why industry-savvy realtors like Anita Rich utilize modern platforms like Facebook Ads to publicize home listings. If you are curious about the ways this technique can improve the sale of your home, contact The Rich Group today.

*Header photo courtesy of Unsplash

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